by Max Barry

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The Most Beautiful Environments in the West Pacific

World Census researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile a definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 4,772nd in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Murder of Corbie LandLeft-wing Utopia“Nevermore”
22.The Grumpy Old Sage of MediobogdumCorrupt Dictatorship“Let Them Eat Pizza!”
23.The Free Federation of EscapitaniaDemocratic Socialists“United in Exile”
24.The Interstellar Empire of Tropical IslesCivil Rights Lovefest“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”
25.The Democratic Republic of One Nation under RobInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Many, One”
26.The Federal Socialist Republic of Prackin KelewDemocratic Socialists“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
27.The Sylvan Kingdom of Willow GateCorrupt Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
28.The Technocratic Federation of LaudesiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Profectum Omni Modis”
29.The Happppy songs of Witchcraft and SorceryLeft-Leaning College State“a decayed garden sinks into the isolated sea”
30.The Federal Blue Republic of IglotInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit”
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