by Max Barry

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The Most Beautiful Environments in the West Pacific

World Census researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile a definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 5,084th in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The People's Socialist Republic of UrgabahScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Struggle, Solidarity, and Socialism!”
2.The People's Hindu Matriarchy 🚩 of ShaktirajyaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Mata Devi Matrubhumi - Mother Goddess, Motherland 🚩”
3.The Smokin Green Land of DiscGolfLandLeft-wing Utopia“May The Course be with you!”
4.The Cyberocracy of KisovecCorrupt Dictatorship“46°08'24.4''N 14°57'51.6''E”
5.The Archipelagic Paradise of LiberilliaCivil Rights Lovefest“Every Day a New Sun”
6.The People's Ambient Technocracy of MathemataniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The integral of e to the x is f of u sub n!”
7.The The Wheel Weaves Empire of SindriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“happily braindead NationStates”
8.The Federal Republic of Hamburg NeoLeft-wing Utopia“For The People”
9.The Republic of CedenLiberal Democratic Socialists“For the Republic!”
10.The No Strings Attached of Atheist States of PhilippinesLeft-wing Utopia“Evidence is Better than Faith”
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