by Max Barry

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The Smartest Citizens in the West Pacific

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 6,774th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Archipelagic Paradise of LiberilliaCivil Rights Lovefest“Every Day a New Sun”
22.The Technocratic Federation of LaudesiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Profectum Omni Modis”
23.The Friendly Republic of SensorlandLeft-wing Utopia“Venu al ni, amikoj!”
24.The Federal Republic of RobekerovNew York Times Democracy“Non progredi est regredi”
25.The Pandas of Pandaland IILeft-Leaning College State“Prepared”
26.The Republic of New Democratic Republic of RussiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For the glory of the Motherland!”
27.The Lavender Gardens of GiovannilandCorporate Bordello“Viva Giovanniterra!”
28.The Serene Sanctuary of The Holy Principality of Saint MarkCapitalizt“In Dei Service”
29.The Constitutional Monarchy of New BeliaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“United We Stand, Together We Stay”
30.The Free Federation of EscapitaniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“United in Exile”
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