by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in The Union of Democratic States

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, The Union of Democratic States is ranked 2,667th in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Democratic Republic of All are EqualDemocratic Socialists“Everyone has the right to pursue their bliss”
2.The Santa of KantoblivScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Freedom, Knowledge, Tranquillity”
3.The Small Scale Card Farmer of Bagong Timog MindanaoDemocratic Socialists“I am having brainrot rn”
4.The Republic of TuqoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Equality, Democracy, Freedom”
5.The Republic of A KeaDemocratic Socialists“Progress, Homeland, Liberty”
6.The Republic of LibateLiberal Democratic Socialists“Pax et Progressus”
7.The Elective Oligarchy of ProresciaLiberal Democratic Socialists“In everything, have honor, and show your enemies love.”
8.The Federal State of OstrovskiyLeft-wing Utopia“Your home is where you feel safe.”
9.The Holy Kingdom of Zion ImperiumLeft-wing Utopia“Live Hard, Fight Harder!”
10.The Bugger All of Peoples Republic of TempleLandiaLeft-Leaning College State“Honey Badger Don't Care”
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