by Max Barry

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The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in The Trunk of a Pontiac Tempest

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, The Trunk of a Pontiac Tempest is ranked 1,514th in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Anselionite Republic of CoyotiaCapitalist Paradise“A new tomorrow, starts today.”
2.The Federation of Scaled DragonsIron Fist Consumerists“Of scales and soundness.”
3.The Skyward Empire of FlitterCapitalizt“Sing the song of angels everywhere.”
4.The Rick Astanian Empire of The HolyDivinesMoralistic Democracy“♫ You know the rules and so do I! SAY GOODBYE! ♫”
5.The New Canterlot Republic of LittlepipCivil Rights Lovefest“Littlepip is best pony.”
6.The Cybernetic Technocracy of EquestriansInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Technology makes us strong!”
7.The Psionic Army of Trixie LulamoonMother Knows Best State“Was there ever any doubt?”
8.The Haunted Junkyard of Ghost TruckIron Fist Consumerists“Oppose me, and I will crush you.”
9.The Matriarchy of Apple FritterMoralistic Democracy“I don't do windows...”
10.The Tranquil Matriarchy of RarityvilleDemocratic Socialists“Diamonds, rubies, and gems, oh my!”