by Max Barry

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The Largest Manufacturing Sector in The Southern Lands

World Census bean-counters tabulated data from across several industries in order to determine which nations have the largest Manufacturing sectors.

As a region, The Southern Lands is ranked 3,329th in the world for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The United Socialist States of Silver State RepublicNew York Times Democracy“Unwelcome. Uninvited. Unrepentant.”
12.The United States of Terrae KarunethiaeCompulsory Consumerist State“Christus est omnia, sine ipso nihil est”
13.The Democratic Kingdom of XeolaDemocratic Socialists“Tera Kolus, Koado loak, (We fight, and bleed together.”
14.The Republic of Atlantic SubZeroNew York Times Democracy“Grace”
15.The Commonwealth of QuendellInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Anarchy is the key to law and order”
16.The Federation of United States of AetheriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be the change you want to see in this world.”
17.The Holy Empire of The FlerkensDemocratic Socialists“Take a chill pill every once in a while”
18.The Armed Republic of EinheitsweltPsychotic Dictatorship“Perfection over Diversity”
19.The Third Comunist International of The Workers UnitedLeft-wing Utopia“Divided We Beg, United We Bargain!”
20.The Greatest Regions Official of TSL ControlCorrupt Dictatorship“Long Live TSL!”