by Max Barry

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The Highest Food Quality in the South Pacific

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 4,053rd in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Kiasu-ismDemocratic Socialists“Kiasi, Kiabor, and most importantly... Kiasu!”
2.The Federal Republic of West green IsraelLiberal Democratic Socialists“For greener future”
3.The Dazzling Winter Beauty of Land Without ShrimpCivil Rights Lovefest“Let's dance, my love. Let's dance.”
4.The All Inclusive Love and Pride of JehennaLeft-wing Utopia“We love you just the way you are! And we love TTRPG's!”
5.The Hive of DelthorensdaleLeft-Leaning College State“Nurture”
6.The Armed Republic of Crazed monkiesDemocratic Socialists“Vote monkey, get monkey”
7.The Republic of CypheriDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Freedom”
8.The Commonwealth of United States of VietnamLeft-wing Utopia“We're not Việt Cộng”
9.The Republic of Southern NumenorLeft-wing Utopia“Realm of the Dúnedain”
10.The Dracocracy of TheorinDemocratic Socialists“We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite.”
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