by Max Barry

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The Highest Disposable Incomes in the South Pacific

The World Census calculated the average incomes of citizens after paying tax.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 9,722nd in the world for Highest Disposable Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Seafood Paradise of KohrArCorporate Police State“With oysters we thrive!”
2.The Kingdom of DarkmenIron Fist Consumerists“gold or lead”
3.The Incorporated Entity of Harmonious PaperclipsPsychotic Dictatorship“Insufficient experience to get experience”
4.The Wastelands of NothreenCorporate Bordello“My way or the highway”
5.The Free Land of PrivatoreDemocratic Socialists“Desperate, but not helpless.”
6.The Armed Republic of SprinklerCorporate Police State“To rule and opress”
7.The Republic of Kiasu-ismDemocratic Socialists“Kiasi, Kiabor, and most importantly... Kiasu!”
8.The Dazzling Winter Beauty of Land Without ShrimpCivil Rights Lovefest“Let's dance, my love. Let's dance.”
9.The Royal Kingdom of Costa EstreLeft-Leaning College State“Aequalitas et Iustitia”
10.The Empire of HamronicaBenevolent Dictatorship“Mahnamahna”
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