by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Incomes in the South Pacific

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 6,082nd in the world for Highest Average Incomes.

NationWorldStandard Monetary Units
21.The Commonwealth of United States of Vietnam1,145th413,833.52
22.The Royal Kingdom of Costa Estre1,262nd400,986.36
23.The Republic of War Dogs VIII1,332nd394,216.08
24.The Hive of Delthorensdale1,335th393,679.59
25.The Federation of No moking1,377th390,120.45
26.The Please withdraw endorse me of Hong Kong Kowloon and New Territories1,445th383,488.95
27.The フェデレーション of Nowa Europa1,502nd378,687.37
28.The Transcendent Empire of Trackleelee1,581st371,530.29
29.The Empire of Russian Oil1,605th369,918.74
30.The Valkyrian Republic of Qvait1,613th369,668.75
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