by Max Barry

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The Largest Information Technology Sector in the South Pacific

World Census staff compiled lists over Smart Phone related traffic accidents to determine which nations have the largest Information Technology industries.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 4,927th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Federation of BavaristanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For Unity, Beyond the Stars”
62.The Mighty Foundation of Concrete SlabLeft-Leaning College State“Nemo obstabit”
63.The Colony of PsychoreaIron Fist Consumerists“Obu gobu”
64.The UFP of SkaladoriaLeft-Leaning College State“I... have had.. enough of... you!”
65.The Democratic Republic of Inner AlbaniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Nec temere, nec timide.”
66.The Democratic Republic of IndolosDemocratic Socialists“सत्यमेव जयते”
67.The Free Land of SuminaPsychotic Dictatorship“Labour and will can make the world a better place”
68.The Cakeitalist Extremist of The Age of UtopiaFather Knows Best State“The sands of time will never wear down our spirit.”
69.The Imperium of Pax DraconCivil Rights Lovefest“Ex Ordinis Iustitia”
70.The Democratic Republic of DakalianCivil Rights Lovefest“From Many, One”
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