by Max Barry

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The Highest Crime Rates in The Sasquatch Republic

World Census interns were dispatched to seedy back alleys in order to determine which nations have the highest crime rates.

As a region, The Sasquatch Republic is ranked 17,366th in the world for Highest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Wild Kingdom of Joe ExoticAnarchy“Over my dead body!”
2.The Marxist-Lincolnist Paradise of RubenLeft-Leaning College State“I play this game to have fun”
3.The Bureau of Sasquatch AffairsCorporate Bordello“Here we stand”
4.The Free Land of Skunk ApeLeft-Leaning College State“Just roaming the swamps”
5.The Dabbing Dudez of Fort EwokInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For you say so”
6.The Kingdom of SquatchyGarth the ChalupacabraMoralistic Democracy“Deme dos con extra queso!”
7.The Dominion of Stinky CheesesLeft-Leaning College State“A day without cheese SUCKS!”
8.The United Kingdom of VikrasadhamNew York Times Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
9.The Free Land of Arlathan ForestPsychotic Dictatorship“Place of Our People”
10.The Strange Secondary School of Glacier Shrine AcademyScandinavian Liberal Paradise“School for Youkai + School of Art = Whatever this is.”