by Max Barry

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The Nicest Citizens in the Rejected Realms

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 12,302nd in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Community of AlvestadScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Not the face”
2.The Holy Empire of FarrakhanDemocratic Socialists“All Praise Is Due To Allah”
3.The Man for All Seasons of HulldomScandinavian Liberal Paradise“There is a future, oh, thank God!”
4.The Allied Green and Red States of UbiquistaniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“et vagari ad astra”
5.The Federation of ZaveaDemocratic Socialists“Quo Nemo Sequi Potest”
6.The Workers' Democracy of TrotskyaLeft-wing Utopia“Workers of all countries, unite!”
7.The Empire of Raj7765Democratic Socialists“Peace and Justice”
8.The Federation of FemilandsAuthoritarian Democracy“För Feminist”
9.The Democratic States of KatkasistanDemocratic Socialists“Do what you want but do it all for the cat”
10.The Republic of WacmanDemocratic Socialists“Freedom and Justice for all”
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