by Max Barry

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The Smartest Citizens in the Rejected Realms

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 7,199th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,921.The Federation of Andan JendIron Fist Consumerists“From Many, One”
4,922.The Federation of Planet AstroIron Fist Consumerists“Float in space with us”
4,923.The Strex Corp Subsidiary of RestorzaCorporate Police State“Freedom costs money”
4,924.The Wasteland of KyallisarFather Knows Best State“Welcome to the future”
4,925.The Dictatorship of United great KoreaPsychotic Dictatorship“For kim”
4,926.The Wretched Red Regime of Rust and RuinationPsychotic Dictatorship“Rule the Ruins”
4,927.The Nation of Domination of WWE TownIron Fist Consumerists“I OWE YOU ONE PAL”
4,928.The Omnipotent Theocratic Regime of MaidyLandIron Fist Consumerists“Never get Freudian with a man holding a pickle.”
4,929.The Kingdom of Primitive ZimbabweIron Fist Consumerists“Old is better”
4,930.The Fourth Reich of Blood FeudIron Fist Consumerists“Duty, Honor, Country”
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