by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Civil Rights in the Rejected Realms

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 20,146th in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Queendom of NineIotaAnarchy“Smile”
32.The Matriarchy of Kawaii ZweiundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
33.The Matriarchy of Kawaii DreiundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
34.The Matriarchy of Kawaii VierundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
35.The Matriarchy of Kawaii FunfundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
36.The Matriarchy of Kawaii SechsundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
37.The Matriarchy of Kawaii SiebenundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
38.The Matriarchy of Kawaii AchtundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
39.The Matriarchy of Kawaii NeunundzwanzigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
40.The Matriarchy of Kawaii DreissigBenevolent Dictatorship“*stiehlt dein Östradiol*”
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