by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Most Cheerful Citizens in the Plains of Perdition

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, the Plains of Perdition is ranked 23,238th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Second Commonwealth of Benjamin MarkFather Knows Best State“The Right Country To Live In”
2.The Commonwealth of DepolisInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Est voratum Esse”
3.The Protectorate of PaffniaLeft-wing Utopia“Iuvans illos qui auxilium requirunt”
4.The Heraldo Itinerante of EttoliaNew York Times Democracy“Paso a saludar”
5.The Commonwealth of TanzoriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“d”
6.The Silverite Guardian of Panthalassa-PangaeaLeft-Leaning College State“However long one must wait in defense of the predicate.”
7.The Intergalactic Alliance of RadicalaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Tiocfaidh ár lá; All Cats are Beautiful”
8.The Happy Hour Special of ChilifriesandacoldbeerInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Good Food and Good Spirits”
9.The From My Lowest I Rise of Yagami LightLiberal Democratic Socialists“To rip the marionette strings and free myself...”
10.The Socialist Democracy of Gyvinian RepublicLeft-wing Utopia“The dogs will lead the way™.”
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