by Max Barry

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The Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector in the Plains of Perdition

World Census analysts extensively tested concept muscle cars in empty parking lots in order to estimate which nations have the largest auto industries.

As a region, the Plains of Perdition is ranked 12,601st in the world for Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCCLXIAuthoritarian Democracy“All for the Hoard, the Hoard for the Lair!”
22.The Empire of WkraceNew York Times Democracy“We Will Endure”
23.The Kingdom of Vaticanus PrimusMoralistic Democracy“We just hate the damn Austrians up north of Italy”
24.The Republic of Test2222Anarchy“Aaaaaa”
25.The United States of Michael CountryRight-wing Utopia“Sja”
26.The United States of FiveulanCompulsory Consumerist State“Freedom And Strength ”
27.The Dictatorship of BartarCorporate Police State“Strength through Compliance”
28.The Holy Empire of Imperial Mon ZenzieladeAnarchy“Nothing, what's the motto with you?”
29.The Republic of Dand ArmooInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Loyalty, Democracy and Love”
30.The Dominion of XM-7Corporate Police State“Kruulukhadash”
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