by Max Barry

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The Most Secular in the Pacific

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 4,966th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The NPO High Inquisitor of MyrthCompulsory Consumerist State“You may all stop clapping at the ringing of the bell.”
32.The Community of KhoumeScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dream of the future, build on the past.”
33.The Military Junta of The First German OrderIron Fist Consumerists“The Overseer Protects.”
34.The Federation of Patito de GomaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Libertad, Democracia y Patitos de Goma”
35.The Rogue Nation of Ind IslandLeft-Leaning College State“And we rise”
36.The Empire of JSUMCPsychotic Dictatorship“The beatings will continue until morale improves”
37.The Technocratic Shogunate of Waterfall StateDemocratic Socialists“Heir of the Lands of Peace”
38.The United States of BougianInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Insert Motto here i guess”
39.The Commonwealth of Ald BraDemocratic Socialists“God? Never heard of her.”
40.The People's Republic of KologiDemocratic Socialists“For Kologi and Humanity!”
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