by Max Barry

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The Most Secular in the Pacific

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 4,837th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Northern Island Empire of Haven and SanctuaryLiberal Democratic Socialists“Peace and Justice”
12.The Vampiric Necropolis of Schloss der TrauerCorrupt Dictatorship“Pain, Death, and Sorrow”
13.The Republic of NovaRainLeft-wing Utopia“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”
14.The Socialist Commonwealth of RaeunLeft-wing Utopia“Intelligence, Progress, Prosperity”
15.The Ultrakill obsessed user of True Europa StateIron Fist Consumerists“Even a step back is a patriotic step back!”
16.The Kingdom of LibaaxLeft-wing Utopia“A Better Tomorrow”
17.The Imperial Dominion of LongweatherDemocratic Socialists“Endurance against all trials”
18.The Imperium of Terran ExpansePsychotic Dictatorship“Break the heavens, rule the stars.”
19.The Stalwart Federation of The Municipalities of AntarcticaLeft-wing Utopia“Rarely, is the weakest link at complete fault.”
20.The Uptight Democracy of KeonDemocratic Socialists“🗣”
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