by Max Barry

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The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in the Pacific

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 5,924th in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.

NationWA CategoryMotto
3,591.The United Socialist States of New Scandinavian TerritoriesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Workers of the world, unite!”
3,592.The United Socialist States of East AzerstorennasiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Pride and Industry”
3,593.The Dominion of TandarianLeft-wing Utopia“For God and Empire”
3,594.The United Socialist States of Las NaranjasIron Fist Socialists“You Can't Stop Progress”
3,595.The Republic of Korean communist republicPsychotic Dictatorship“We would destroy capitalism and support the people”
3,596.The Empire of Government SuperiorityPsychotic Dictatorship“Stay In Line And Do As You're Told”
3,597.The Protectorate of Carquia-YldoniaDemocratic Socialists“Nas montanhas vivermos e na fortaleza nos protege”
3,598.The Rogue Nation of Yeldel InsPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
3,599.The Community of From All to AllDemocratic Socialists“Dont be an asshat”
3,600.The Republic of Greater AlbionoraLiberal Democratic Socialists“Keeper's of Turtle Island”
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