by Max Barry

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The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in the Pacific

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 5,879th in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The United States of KohiliCorporate Bordello“For Kohili! For the Mega-Corps!”
12.The Confederacy of DixielandiCorporate Bordello“Pride and Industry”
13.The Cartelized Kajidics of Bootana HuttaCompulsory Consumerist State“If not us, then someone else. So why not us?”
14.The Democratic States of RifajalCorporate Police State“Truth prevails”
15.The Matriarchy of Crystal CovenCompulsory Consumerist State“Mother Knows Best.”
16.The Dictatorship of LaborvilleaCorporate Police State“Paix, Esclavage, et Force!”
17.The Banana Republic of Del MattoCapitalist Paradise“Money Talks”
18.The Armed Republic of NicastrumCorporate Police State“For what should we care”
19.The Republic of Northern Panargion FrepCorporate Police State“Unity, Discipline, Work”
20.The Kingdom of AdaranthiaCorporate Police State“Peace and Justice for all Adaranthians”
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