by Max Barry

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The Nicest Citizens in the Pacific

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 5,788th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Second Federal Republic of KaliuvatNew York Times Democracy“Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat”
22.The Most Serene Republic of UrizenjavDemocratic Socialists“Freedom through Education and Knowledge”
23.The Grand Duchy of The Grand Duchy of YurstonstanScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Let the People Live in Peace”
24.The Republic of Nieuw StenenLandLeft-wing Utopia“Langdurige Gelijkheild (Long Live Equality)”
25.The Republic of KispamingLeft-wing Utopia“Pride and Prejudice”
26.The Fantastic DutchGarth Kingdom of VylixanCivil Rights Lovefest“To go forwards, one sometimes has to go sidewards”
27.The United Republic of BrasasilCorrupt Dictatorship“God, Motherland, Hope”
28.The Ethereal Empire of ArthropyriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“We're the empire of Arthropods!”
29.The Empire of RengakureScandinavian Liberal Paradise“If not me, then somebody else”
30.The Empire of Korhal ILeft-wing Utopia“Death comes for all of us”
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