by Max Barry

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The Most Devout in the Pacific

World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 6,822nd in the world for Most Devout.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Democratic Republic of KazaakhstanIron Fist Consumerists“Unity, Discipline, Work”
52.The Free State of Berenice SovietIron Fist Consumerists“Si Deum sequimur, magna fient.”
53.The Republic of Norseland1Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
54.The Kingdom of VarbracesPsychotic Dictatorship“Goodness under the Lord God”
55.The Holy Queer Nudist Potheads of PathoniaAnarchy“My twig is better than bacon. Who's that in your walls?”
56.The Singularity Seeker of DrWinnerInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Markson Industries- Driving Innovation”
57.The Republic of Ethiopian EgyptDemocratic Socialists“Everyone has good inside them”
58.The Dictatorship of MonarcusMoralistic Democracy“The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness”
59.The Matriarchy of Crystal CovenCompulsory Consumerist State“Mother Knows Best.”
60.The People's Republic of Greater Ang LingInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
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