by Max Barry

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The Most Avoided in The Order of the Grey Wardens

Nations ranked highly are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.

As a region, The Order of the Grey Wardens is ranked 6,145th in the world for Most Avoided.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Nationstates of HakuCorporate Police State“Nationstates”
2.The XXX of XXXCorporate Bordello“Xxx”
3.The Community of Anarchic ImperiumCompulsory Consumerist State“Cash is king”
4.The Putative Oligarchy of KerchhCompulsory Consumerist State“My mother is Ketterdam. She birthed me in the harbor.”
5.The Free Land of The GenCorporate Bordello“You Can't Stop Progress”
6.The Dictatorship of East GorgeCorporate Police State“Leader knows best”
7.The Stratocracy of -AllemeineCapitalist Paradise“The One With The Dash”
8.The Monarchy of Otterman EmpirIron Fist Consumerists“Hic sunt leones”
9.The Dumbest of XxcaliburnIron Fist Consumerists“------”
10.The Fiefdom of Ancapist LandCapitalizt“Free Trade”
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