by Max Barry

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The Most Influential in The North Pacific

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 212th in the world for Most Influential.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,781.The United Socialist States of BarguimDemocratic Socialists“For the Glory of the Motherland and Socialism!”
5,782.The Republic of ValistaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“By The People For The People”
5,783.The Republic of CongoanNew York Times Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
5,784.The Matriarchy of Daunk VogytopiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Might Makes Right”
5,785.The Confederacy of Yappers123Father Knows Best State“We eat dahi”
5,786.The Republic of The DahiLiberal Democratic Socialists“Freedom comes first”
5,787.The Republic of Better than AlvarMoralistic Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
5,788.The Rogue Nation of TolkatnaIron Fist Consumerists“Blood for the blood god”
5,789.The Empire of GelersCompulsory Consumerist State“Gelers gelers über alles”
5,790.The Republic of Felruz on HeitoukoNew York Times Democracy“Peace in the world, and in the hearts of man”
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