by Max Barry

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The Best Weather in The North Pacific

The following nations were determined to have the best all-round weather.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 3,950th in the world for Best Weather.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Eternal Eidolon of the North of PallaithDemocratic Socialists“Vote early, vote often”
62.The Republic of MenouriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Peace, liberty, and prosperity”
63.The Hegendstaat of EraverLeft-Leaning College State“Gesundheit: Committing to cure zombies”
64.The Golden Throne Room of EthnonDemocratic Socialists“Per ardua ad astra”
65.The United States of Erwo StalDemocratic Socialists“Everything is possible,The impossible just takes longer”
66.The Feline of AenglalandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Your feeling of helplessness is your best friend savage”
67.The Illusory Spectre of ArrivederciCivil Rights Lovefest“We Protect Our Own!”
68.The Constitutional Monarchy of Holy Marcus EmpireDemocratic Socialists“Biti zdrava!”
69.The Tropical Utopia of Kathy IrelandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Life's A Beach”
70.The Royal Federation of ChangjoCorrupt Dictatorship“Freedom in Unity”
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