by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in The North Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,822nd in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,891.The Republic of Free WeeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I told you so”
5,892.The United States of Anti-Kraut territoryDemocratic Socialists“Death to the Krauts”
5,893.The Community of Los GrowlersLeft-Leaning College State“No rules in the sea, but even fish eventually drown”
5,894.The Free Land of BimmylandAnarchy“Let's get Naked!”
5,895.The United States of Poland-GermanyCivil Rights Lovefest“We stand up to bad people”
5,896.The Commonwealth of ZapadoslovaniaCivil Rights Lovefest“Together, for ourselves! ”
5,897.The Emirate of Ottoman siriaCivil Rights Lovefest“I'm tyrk”
5,898.The Queendom of AlioreaCivil Rights Lovefest“Peace and stability creates a nation”
5,899.The Empire of OMBCivil Rights Lovefest“You Can't Stop Progress”
5,900.The People's Republic of NiessiaNew York Times Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
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