by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in The North Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,827th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,841.The Most Serene Republic of Auvolf InterdamaoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
5,842.The People's Republic of Self-LoveAnarchy“Mission Accomplished”
5,843.The Allied States of SapikkNew York Times Democracy“We must become the change we wish to see in the world.”
5,844.The Sultanate of ArshaziaCapitalist Paradise“God is with us”
5,845.The Confederacy of HaweliNew York Times Democracy“Haweli above all”
5,846.The Empire of United brothersInoffensive Centrist Democracy“O perigo é perigoso mas a coragem o tira”
5,847.The Democratic Republic of TevaruNew York Times Democracy“We’re all in this together”
5,848.The United States of North DemakoCapitalist Paradise“Peace makes us united which makes us strong”
5,849.The Republic of The Republic of SmackmannanshireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“That's the only flag we could find”
5,850.The Kingdom of NyanianaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Motto...”
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