by Max Barry

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The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in The North Pacific

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 11,151st in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Walled Cities of EretzIsraelCorporate Bordello“בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה‎”
2.The Dictatorship of CorfadCorporate Police State“Strength through unity, Unity Through Faith”
3.The Post-Communist Kleptocracy of EuraustralasamericaCorporate Police State“Yvan eht nioj”
4.The Plutocratic Banana Republic of ZerentopiaCorporate Police State“The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets”
5.The Resthian Water Realm of The Blue Candy ImperiumCapitalist Paradise“Moo, NationStates, Friendship, Brains”
6.The Theoretical Liberty of Willing IgnoranceCorporate Police State“Freedom at any price.”
7.The Imperial Consortium of Like MuricaCorporate Police State“For the Corporations and the Emperor”
8.The Republic of Card Puppet 4Democratic Socialists“Motto”
9.The 25 of -------------------------Capitalizt“M”
10.The Dreaming of UnshleepdAnarchy“I owe my solitude to other people”
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