by Max Barry

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The Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector in The North Pacific

World Census analysts extensively tested concept muscle cars in empty parking lots in order to estimate which nations have the largest auto industries.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 12,093rd in the world for Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,731.The United Republican Federation of MortioniaLeft-wing Utopia“There is one and only one Mortionia!”
5,732.The Ruinist Diarchy of FlegetonteLeft-Leaning College State“Toward Virtue, Liberty, and Knowledge”
5,733.The Most Serene Republic of ErmegardDemocratic Socialists“Things and Stuff”
5,734.The Federation of Northern ZorbrasnkaCivil Rights Lovefest“Remember the past. Develop the future. Live in the now.”
5,735.The United Socialist States of BedsonyaDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Discipline”
5,736.The Nomadic Peoples of DlargCivil Rights Lovefest“.”
5,737.The Consulate of Solviet OrionFather Knows Best State“Goverment of the people, for the people, by The Consul.”
5,738.The Enlightened Republic of AerikaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Love and Tolerate”
5,739.The Federal Republic of United States of MedfordAuthoritarian Democracy“Unity,Peace and Prosperity”
5,740.The Most Serene Kingdom of ToddstantinoplePsychotic Dictatorship“Todd”
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