by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in The Leftist Assembly

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, The Leftist Assembly is ranked 3,654th in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Commune of Infidel StateDemocratic Socialists“Reminding you to watch daily”
2.The People's Republic of CedoriaCorrupt Dictatorship“Equality, Prosperity, Solidarity”
3.The Soviet Federative Republic of Comrade Itsuka KotoriDemocratic Socialists“United forever, in friendship and labour!”
4.The Wilderness of ElorenLiberal Democratic Socialists“Ŭŋ∂ҽԅʄŧѻɽΐɐჷ ϑɲʈɚღԑშ, ßҩυიτѥs βɩσσðʂɫαιηєძ”
5.The People's Republic of SterkspruitInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Phambili”
6.The Union of United Socialist Republics of LANDemocratic Socialists“The Red Dragon burns what it does not consume”
7.The People's Republic of SkillCrossbonesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The Noblest Motive Is the Public Good”
8.The Islamic Socialist Republic of SchillikiaLeft-Leaning College State“Socialism, Equality, Deen, Ummah”
9.The Commonwealth of BiotopiaDemocratic Socialists“Socialism. Justice. Compassion.”
10.The Democratic States of EbeniaDemocratic Socialists“Be kind.”
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