by Max Barry

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The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in The Heartland

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, The Heartland is ranked 14,646th in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Kingdom of HerconiaLeft-wing Utopia“Libertas - Unitas - Faustitas”
2.The Rogue Nation of MSN100Iron Fist Consumerists“1977”
3.The Democratic United States of Kompa RuCorporate Bordello“Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”
4.The My Animated Flag is Broken of Spruce MeadowsCorporate Bordello“Spruce Meadows. Home of the Masters.”
5.The People's New Democracy of West Kompa RuCorporate Bordello“Bless our democracy and our's only! (Or else!)”
6.The Grand Old Duchy of IneptiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Moderation In All Things”
7.The Theocracy of Theatrical TheistsIron Fist Consumerists“Hallelujah!”
8.The Republic of MountainseaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Please do not litter.”
9.The Insultingly Invigorated Call of NasticDemocratic Socialists“Sempre Nāstic”
10.The Dominion of Crystal PalaisScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Cogito, ergo sum. [I think, therefore I am.]”