by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in The Glorious Nations of Iwaku

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku is ranked 4,117th in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Queendom of AsriuAuthoritarian Democracy“Enjoy your on your way”
12.The Prefecture of TottoriMother Knows Best State“私には隠し事は一切出来ませんよ”
13.The Sacred Kingdom of LumirIron Fist Consumerists“Post tenebras lux”
14.The Peace-loving Republic of Eacha FechaDemocratic Socialists“Glory be to parasites!”
15.The Commonwealth of EksceliaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Per rectum ab astra”
16.The People's Republic of Negev ChanPsychotic Dictatorship“Shalom!”
17.The Glorious Empire of AkuzoPsychotic Dictatorship“Why want for such petty things such as freedom?”
18.The Splendid Diarchy of KuroluceIron Fist Socialists“Live, Laugh, Love”
19.The Self Proclaimed Voice of AC of USHALLNOTPASSCivil Rights Lovefest“all im saying is that Sir Mixalot is basically chaucer”
20.The Free Land of TilloniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“There is beauty in the way of things”
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