by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Tax Rates in The Glorious Nations of Iwaku

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku is ranked 4,382nd in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
141.The Colony of Orc PuppetInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Just a Puppet”
142.The Republic of A lake of silverInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
143.The Commonwealth of EksceliaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Per rectum ab astra”
144.The Matriarchy of Ori-ChanAnarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
145.The Immortal Empire of MitarashiFather Knows Best State“Fishnet isn't a fashion statement, it's a way of life.”
146.The Dominion of IllorsuitFather Knows Best State“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot”
147.The Incorporated States of Totally NaiveLeft-Leaning College State“No girl would ever enjoy that!”
148.The United States of NordynCivil Rights Lovefest“I bombed a country and I liked it”
149.The Community of Sons of CalydonCivil Rights Lovefest“I come, I see, I crash!”
150.The Republic of KrameraAnarchy“Out of Many, One”
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