by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in The Glorious Nations of Iwaku

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku is ranked 1,415th in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Corporate Empire of Teitoku IppanIron Fist Consumerists“Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars!”
12.The Matriarchy of Kisume the bucket youkaiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dropping in when least expected”
13.The Splendid Diarchy of KuroluceIron Fist Socialists“Live, Laugh, Love”
14.The Matriarchy of Cult of Ashley GreeneCorrupt Dictatorship“Ashley Greene will save us.”
15.The Imperial Galactic Theocracy of WardropPsychotic Dictatorship“Face the future with grim determination.”
16.The Kingdom of RuhmheimCivil Rights Lovefest“𐌸𐍉𐍅𐌴𐍂𐌽 𐌴𐍆𐌹𐌲𐌺𐍁𐌳”
17.The Self Proclaimed Voice of AC of USHALLNOTPASSCivil Rights Lovefest“all im saying is that Sir Mixalot is basically chaucer”
18.The Kongouese Fleets of Burning LoveScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Every time is tea-time”
19.The Prefecture of TottoriMother Knows Best State“私には隠し事は一切出来ませんよ”
20.The Free Land of TilloniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“There is beauty in the way of things”
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