by Max Barry

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The Largest Governments in The Glorious Nations of Iwaku

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, The Glorious Nations of Iwaku is ranked 1,501st in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The 🌪️cataclysmic catastrophe❄️ of Vando0saMother Knows Best State“Weiter, weiter ins Verderben”
2.The Sapphic Witches of EnlaisScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Friendship and Love”
3.The Glorious Most High Empire of ZaxariumCorrupt Dictatorship“The Empire creates, tempers and consumes.”
4.The Reformed Revolution of PanaderiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Heroes write history, and history writes heroes.”
5.The Matriarchy of Kisume the bucket youkaiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dropping in when least expected”
6.The People's Commonwealth of AnkuranNew York Times Democracy“La force via l'union | Strength Through Unity”
7.The Prefecture of TottoriMother Knows Best State“私には隠し事は一切出来ませんよ”
8.The Dream Realm of NekojimaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Kittens, Freedom, Peace”
9.The Empire of ReqoviaCapitalist Paradise“Violence Has Its Own Economy”
10.The Imperial Galactic Theocracy of WardropPsychotic Dictatorship“Face the future with grim determination.”
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