by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Incomes in The Funian Puppet Region

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

As a region, The Funian Puppet Region is ranked 3,130th in the world for Highest Average Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Sleeping puppet of Not a SleeperIron Fist Consumerists“Time to go to sleep”
2.The Rogue Nation of MSN21Corrupt Dictatorship“1977”
3.The Republican Protectorate of Nes BlandoFather Knows Best State“A Mission that's been Accomplished!”
4.The Rogue Nation of DSN57Psychotic Dictatorship“Chill Out”
5.The Puppet that is Fun of HorustionInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The eye of Horus is within us!”
6.The New and Powerful of The New BucatryPsychotic Dictatorship“Progress can be crushed by unlimited power!”
7.The Rebelling and Rogue Country of The Rebels of LandOfFunFunFunPsychotic Dictatorship“DIE FUNIANS”
8.The Mobile Puppet Legend of Landoffunpuppet9Corrupt Dictatorship“We move in style!”
9.The Atlantassian Lemings of VasstatsPsychotic Dictatorship“A Pound of Cheese”
10.The Christian Commonwealth of Mazop Yer HelialandPsychotic Dictatorship“Jesus and Pastors”
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