by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Defense Forces in The Funian Puppet Region

Nations ranked highly spend the most on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

As a region, The Funian Puppet Region is ranked 1,912th in the world for Most Advanced Defense Forces.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rick of Landoffunpuppet6Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Love Rick”
2.The Formosian Republican State of Urki MidrishCorrupt Dictatorship“Tomatos are cool too”
3.The Puppeteering Cool Republic of Landoffunpuppet18Iron Fist Consumerists“By Puppets for the Puppets”
4.The Sleeping puppet of Not a SleeperIron Fist Consumerists“Time to go to sleep”
5.The Democratically Republican of Bla FreaPsychotic Dictatorship“Blaaaaa!”
6.The Rick of Never gonna make u cryPsychotic Dictatorship“We Love Rick”
7.The Rick of Dont tell me ur too blind to seeMoralistic Democracy“We Love Rick”
8.The Rick Country of You wouldnt get this fromPsychotic Dictatorship“We Love Rick”
9.The Best Puppet We Think of Landoffunpuppet15Moralistic Democracy“Puppeting all Day!”
10.The Rebelling and Rogue Country of The Rebels of LandOfFunFunFunPsychotic Dictatorship“DIE FUNIANS”
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