by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Law Enforcement in The Funian Puppet Region

World Census interns were framed for minor crimes in order to measure the response times, effectiveness, and amount of firepower deployed by the law enforcement agencies of different nations.

As a region, The Funian Puppet Region is ranked 1,873rd in the world for Most Advanced Law Enforcement.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Formosian Republican State of Urki MidrishDemocratic Socialists“Tomatos are cool too”
2.The Christian Commonwealth of Mazop Yer HelialandPsychotic Dictatorship“Jesus and Pastors”
3.The Tamed Peoples' Republic of ReviessPsychotic Dictatorship“From billions to a singular one.”
4.The Sleeping puppet of Not a SleeperIron Fist Consumerists“Time to go to sleep”
5.The Democratic Republic of Notia AndsPsychotic Dictatorship“Notia and ...?”
6.The Rick of Been going onDemocratic Socialists“We Love Rick”
7.The Armed and Angry Republic of We AngryAuthoritarian Democracy“We Don't Like You”
8.The Hahahahahaha of Imagine having puppetsIron Fist Consumerists“Yeah imagine, couldn't be me!”
9.The Awesome Funian Puppet of Landoffunpuppet3Psychotic Dictatorship“We are so Puppety and cool!”
10.The Puppet Nation of Landoffunpuppet16Iron Fist Consumerists“Puppets are Right!”
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