by Max Barry

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The Longest Average Lifespans in The Free Nations Region

Nations ranked highly have lower rates of preventable death, with their citizens enjoying longer average lifespans.

As a region, The Free Nations Region is ranked 4,235th in the world for Longest Average Lifespans.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Federal Republic of TigeraniaLeft-wing Utopia“Strength through freedom”
22.The House of Cards of Kaartenhuis6Psychotic Dictatorship“Don't get lost in the shuffle!”
23.The PhD Degree of Environmental SciencesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Environment”
24.The Federal Republic of BundestagesCorrupt Dictatorship“From Many, One”
25.The Prefecture of New MontureCivil Rights Lovefest“A bright future awaits”
26.The Holy Lucky Green of Free TepertopiaAnarchy“Friendship, Moo”
27.The Union of DenoliaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For the Lord, For the People, For the Union!”
28.The Federal Republic of Alacernia and TremoniaDemocratic Socialists“Hope, Virtue, and the Future”
29.The Glorious Empire of MoaabInoffensive Centrist Democracy“THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF”
30.The Theocracy of KonrosAuthoritarian Democracy“No time to apologise”