by Max Barry

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The Most Pro-Market in The Amaranthine Isles

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, The Amaranthine Isles is ranked 22,393rd in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Republic of GyuamnoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ascend”
32.The Republic of Petticoat JunctionMoralistic Democracy“There's Uncle Joe - He's A-Movin' Kinda Slow”
33.The Llama of PunishmentInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Yet shall the Maker be my guide”
34.The Republic of The New SunFather Knows Best State“We are but the paper; our clothes are the ink.”
35.The Republic of 1eha9npx6fIron Fist Consumerists“Pride and Industry”
36.The Republic of Manistee National ForestFather Knows Best State“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
37.The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 110Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
38.The Delegation of AerlionNew York Times Democracy“In War Victory. In Peace Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice”
39.The Kingdom of The BrosketeersInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ong Fi Everyday”
40.The Defensive End of DE Nick BosaMoralistic Democracy“Celebrating the NFL”