by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Most Pro-Market in The Amaranthine Isles

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, The Amaranthine Isles is ranked 22,393rd in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Costa-Rica-Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live Costa Rica”
22.The Republic of Wasatch National ForestMoralistic Democracy“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
23.The People's Republic of The NinaLeft-Leaning College State“every sense i was a jit, knew i was th-”
24.The Commonwealth of TasmariaNew York Times Democracy“Empowering the Pursuit of Happiness”
25.The Principality of Regency of SodorLeft-Leaning College State“Thrive without kings”
26.The World of SADOUTERMoralistic Democracy“376”
27.The Arms Dealer Country of KaulgaLeft-Leaning College State“Hey, does anyone wanna buy a gun or two?”
28.The Safety of SS Ryan NealInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Celebrating the NFL”
29.The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 108Iron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Compliance”
30.The Republic of GyuamnoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ascend”
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