by Max Barry

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The Most Pro-Market in The Amaranthine Isles

This data was compiled by surveying a random sample of businesses with the question, "Do you believe the government is committed to free market policies?"

As a region, The Amaranthine Isles is ranked 22,162nd in the world for Most Pro-Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Exploratory Protectorate of AravarthRight-wing Utopia“Strength and Peace”
2.The Imperial Court of The Palace above the CloudsCorporate Bordello“Revere Heaven and Love People.”
3.The Federation of New SuperstanCorporate Police State“Forged in Fire, bound by Steel”
4.The Republic of Davids Nation1Anarchy“Live Free or Die Harder”
5.The Federal Republic of New Freedom and LibertyCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
6.The Principality of New BlackhavenCapitalist Paradise“Freedom and Prosperity”
7.The Virtuous Republic of WuimyeNew York Times Democracy“Virtus Divina Nos Ducit”
8.The United Kingdom of Greatest pimpsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I can't get to sleep I think about the implications”
9.The Kingdom of Yure-HtansteLeft-Leaning College State“Per Fiducia Fortis”
10.The Republic of YumeiNew York Times Democracy“希望は決して死なない”
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