by Max Barry

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The Nudest in Texas

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, Texas is ranked 5,093rd in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Watchmen of RorschachDemocratic Socialists“Who watches the Watchmen?”
52.The Galactic Muppets of Darth KermitDemocratic Socialists“With good friends, you can’t lose.”
53.The Confederacy of Cotton Hill LandCompulsory Consumerist State“I had my shins blown off in WW2!”
54.The Texas Twister Storm Wall of I 45Moralistic Democracy“Twilight fades to orange”
55.The Borderlands of MatagordaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Almost a State in Western Texas”
56.The Empire of The Promethean FistsCompulsory Consumerist State“Ferrus Dominus”
57.The Republic of Texan schooner San AntonioMoralistic Democracy“Remember the Alamo!”
58.The Dominion of Darth ChocolateInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Rich and Creamy”
59.The Democratic States of Lyndon JohnsonInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Son, they're ALL my planes.”
60.The Armada of Captain MorganCorrupt Dictatorship“Arrr!”