by Max Barry

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The Highest Poor Incomes in Texas

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Texas is ranked 3,628th in the world for Highest Poor Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
81.The Republic of A Belgian in TexasInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Renegade Islands Alliance Ambassador”
82.The OMG Its Caek of EkacScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Eat CaeK !1!”
83.The Armada of Captain MorganCorrupt Dictatorship“Arrr!”
84.The Republic of Sovereign AloeveraNew York Times Democracy“Growth and Life in the Hardest of Times”
85.The Holy Republic of TiksasIron Fist Consumerists“Friendship NationStates Brains”
86.The Federal Republic of Republika TeksasuRight-wing Utopia“Dla dobra Teksasu”
87.The Confederacy of CharlestonInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Protect this Fort”
88.The Space Agency of NASAInoffensive Centrist Democracy“NASA”
89.The Republic of Texan schooner San AntonioMoralistic Democracy“Remember the Alamo!”
90.The Free Land of HoltakInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Always work as a team”
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