by Max Barry

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The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Texas

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Texas is ranked 105th in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Confederacy of Cotton Hill LandCompulsory Consumerist State“I had my shins blown off in WW2!”
62.The Republic of Democratic Republic of the CongoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Look ma, no hands!”
63.The Republic of The Papal StatesAnarchy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
64.The United Kingdom of FlouriteNew York Times Democracy“Strength Through Science”
65.The Erratic Department of Intel of Destructive Government Education SystemPsychotic Dictatorship“Here are our factbooks”
66.The Republic of Destructive Government Ex-Nation Seeker3Psychotic Dictatorship“Card puppet”
67.The White Line Fever of I 2Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Twilight warns to friendship”
68.The Weed Whites and Wine of I 14Iron Fist Consumerists“Mood: Pensive”
69.The Unholy Funnel Clouds of I 27Father Knows Best State“Twilight ripens to tornadoes and destruction”
70.The Girls in Convertibles of I 37Iron Fist Consumerists“Twilight ripens to violet”
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