by Max Barry

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The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Texas

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Texas is ranked 105th in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Scientologists for the Cult of Lord XenuInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pay no attention to the Clams!”
42.The District of SangchrisInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ambassador for United States of America”
43.The Confederate States of Ole DixielandCapitalist Paradise“Deo Vindice”
44.The Serene Heavenly Texas Abode of The Hello Kitty AngelLiberal Democratic Socialists“=^· ¥ ·^= Purrr Meow Purr Meow Purrr! =^. ¤ .^=”
45.The Republic of ChopperzAnarchy“Texas Radio and the Big Beat !”
46.The Holy Empire of RichardInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat® bar!”
47.The Armada of Captain MorganCorrupt Dictatorship“Arrr!”
48.The Theocracy of Darth BunnyPsychotic Dictatorship“If you don't know your rights, you don't have any!”
49.The Paradise of Republika SlovenijaMoralistic Democracy“Republika Slovenija”
50.The BB Puppet of SouthWest BrightonburgRight-wing Utopia“Brightonburgia Est Imperare Orbus Universo”
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