by Max Barry

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The Most Corrupt Governments in Suspicious

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, Suspicious is ranked 5,683rd in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United States of RefericoMoralistic Democracy“Freedom!”
2.The Rogue Nation of MSN81Authoritarian Democracy“1977”
3.The United Kingdom of Thorn19Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
4.The Empire of Thorn26Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
5.The Oppressed Peoples of Thorn67Iron Fist Consumerists“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
6.The Republic of Thorn5Moralistic Democracy“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
7.The Confederacy of Thorn75Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
8.The Democratic Republic of Thorn293Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
9.The Republic of Giga-BrilliantIron Fist Consumerists“1 to 100”
10.The Republic of Thorn55Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
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