by Max Barry

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The Least Corrupt Governments in Sophia

World Census agents tempted government officials with financial and other inducements to bend the rules and recorded how often their proposals were declined.

As a region, Sophia is ranked 25,372nd in the world for Least Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Democratic Republic of Reasonable UnionCivil Rights Lovefest“Ad Astera Per Astra”
2.The Allied States of Ashia AuriusLeft-wing Utopia“Compassion Is the Guiding Light”
3.The Republic of JailyniferDemocratic Socialists“That's what she said ”
4.The Principality of SluggionNew York Times Democracy“Friends, friends, yoom-tah!”
5.The Kingdom of Tai PeiDemocratic Socialists“Liberty and progress until eternity!”
6.The Republic of TarayDemocratic Socialists“Ad prosperitātem gradiminī, opificēs et agricolae!”
7.The Comforting Embrace of ReaderDemocratic Socialists“Take a seat, and enjoy a meal.”
8.The United Socialist States of OfRepublicCapitalist Paradise“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
9.The Community of The Kitti IslesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Equality. Equity. Justice. Liberation.”
10.The Federal Republic of ArcadenzaLeft-Leaning College State“In pace, prosperitas, et in bello, victoria”
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