by Max Barry

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The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Regionless

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Regionless is ranked 746th in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Fderation of Australian rePublicInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Lucky Land”
2.The World Harbor of United Atlantean StatesCivil Rights Lovefest“In vindiciam libertati; virtus sola invicta.”
3.The Why I Am A Destiny of The TendajiDemocratic Socialists“...”
4.The Vitalist Gymnasium of DiminixIron Fist Consumerists“Strength in Beauty”
5.The Power and Glory of RekasnegPsychotic Dictatorship“Complacency threatens. Providence awaits.”
6.The Godless Republic of FairburNew York Times Democracy“Before anything else, everyone's needs must be met.”
7.The Republísio de Mediterranea of PylonopolisDemocratic Socialists“Peù fortu unitisio”
8.The Federation of Danubian PeoplesNew York Times Democracy“Under the Danube we are”
9.The Constitutional Monarchy of Denev-KaitosCivil Rights Lovefest“Fiat Lux”
10.The Autocracy of AlorgazeCompulsory Consumerist State“All collectivists should collectively die”