by Max Barry

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The Largest Manufacturing Sector in Realm of Dogs

World Census bean-counters tabulated data from across several industries in order to determine which nations have the largest Manufacturing sectors.

As a region, Realm of Dogs is ranked 1,327th in the world for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of War Dogs CCLXIXIron Fist Consumerists“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
2.The Republic of War Dogs CDLVIIFather Knows Best State“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
3.The Republic of War Dogs CXVIIIron Fist Consumerists“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
4.The Republic of War Dogs CXCIIIPsychotic Dictatorship“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
5.The Republic of War Dogs CDLIVIron Fist Consumerists“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
6.The Republic of War Dogs DCLXIron Fist Consumerists“To the front, you scurvy dogs!”
7.The Republic of War Dogs CDXXXIIIFather Knows Best State“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
8.The Republic of War Dogs CCLXXXVIIron Fist Consumerists“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
9.The Republic of War Dogs CDLXXXIXPsychotic Dictatorship“To the front, you scurvy dogs!”
10.The Republic of War Dogs CIVMoralistic Democracy“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
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